Have you ever been in the darkest times of life? Have you ever thought so
much was so wrong, and there was no hope of the sun shining brightly in your
life ever again?
The moment that was to be a precious, a "once in a life time” event, was a bust, smashed, ruined, it was terribly irreparably gone -shattered in a million
pieces – like a glass dropped on a tile floor - who could even begin to find
the slivers of what it would take to bond it back together as it was?
A place devoid of any light – utterly and completely the darkest time of
your life? Your breath was physically gone from your body and nothing made
sense, you were immovable and paralyzed with fear and grief. Lost, completely without direction or
Impossible to ever be made whole again because you were so broken at
your very core – death, affairs, hardships, unemployment, sexual & physical
abuse, pride, trauma to you or those you love, embarrassment, shame, illness,
mental disorder in those you love - your children, hurt, prejudice, hate,
worthlessness, fear, abandonment, loneliness.
A time when you see no way to “fix” what had just been shattered and
robbed from you.
You are desperate for a solution and can not correct this with your
intelligence, money, charm, good intentions, looks, perseverance, strong will,
outstanding moral character, responsibility, dependability, trustworthiness –
it DOES NOT matter it is ineffectual at changing ANYTHING. You are STUCK in despair. You are never more aware of how inadequate you are, how limited you are in your humanness.
You have been served a “low blow” and an attack you didn’t deserve. Perhaps / maybe you bought the enemy’s lie
that money, sex, fame, alcohol, drugs, social status, relationships - would somehow make you
feel good about yourself and produce what only Christ can produce.. true peace and healing.
Your GOD SHAPED spot in your heart, that until we even realize we have
this, we attempt to quench and fill with ANYTHING – hoping it will produce
peace and contentment – but only one thing quenches the soul in this way –
through every storm and valley. A close, intimate, personal encounter and
relationship with the Savior of the UNIVERSE– whose name is sweeter than any
other name I have ever heard - Jesus.
You were MISLEAD, SET UP - precious believer – you walked the lie that some how college
acceptance, prestigious social circles, “likes” on social media, marriage, big house, boat, successful
business, fancy diamond ring would PROVE you were SOMEBODY!!
Can I tell you it was very much an intentional assault to hurt and rob you? It was a master plan set out the day the
Father knit you together in your mother’s womb and as he meticulously counted
the very hairs on your head – HE adored you then as He adores you now -calling
you a MASTERPIECE and PERFECT – lacking nothing, sheer beauty from the creator.
God knew when he sent Jesus it would be a very hostile takeover – it
would be a fight. The devil is full of every kind of evil and unjust thing. Freedom for you and for me would be painful,
hurtful, agonizing- But it was the most
necessary act of Love He would ever show his people.
Separation from his children was far more painful that anything the devil
had planned. I can imagine he is much like this mother reunited with her child after seperation..
The thought that his children felt abandoned and that they could
not trust their loving God was worth every minute of torture on the cross and
in the grave. He made the way so that
you could come boldly, confidently and freely to the throne of grace – grace is
also called mercy, pardon, forgiveness, LENIENCY – and FAVOR. You are HIS baby boy;
you are HIS baby girl. You are the apple of His eye and he LONGS for relationship
with his children - YOU specifically.
Jesus would face the very opposite of all that He had ever known, leave the Father and come to Earth as a man to save you and I.

He would endure shame, humiliation, grief, pain, embarrassment,
loneliness, illness, mental torment, betrayal – he would bear THE WEIGHT OF EVERY CURSE on his body
and on his emotions to be smothered with the feelings of suffering, anguish,
defeat, disloyalty - to secure ETERNAL freedom from all forms of torment - for
us. He would crush the head of the accuser, criticizer, faultfinder and serve
him the greatest defeat – ETERNAL separation from the Father.
The explosion of Heaven and all creation – He won. It was finished. No more separations – no
more hopelessness, no more death, no more losses, no more defeat, no more
acceptance of the abuse of the enemy, no more surprise attacks, VICTORY, Power,
authority. It was COMPLETE and purchased in full as a complete work – not
indecisive, inconsistent, partial, but 100% complete and full of success,
accomplishment, breaking of every curse, shutting down of every plan of the
enemy, removing of all blindness and deafness that kept us from spiritual
understanding. It set your kids free
from bondage of every sensation and lie in the world, it purchased their bright
and full future, it removed mystery from your life, it purchased healing,
complete restoration for every relationship in your life, complete forgiveness,
complete peace, complete contentment, complete resources, complete wholeness of
heart, complete removal of shame, complete comfort for sorrow, complete –
without ANYTHING missing.
He loved us so perfectly with so much passion, desire, unwavering
desperation – death could not hold him in the grave and the whole earth shook
and every knee shall bow even the beast of the field.
Thank you Jesus that it is not dependent on ANY of my abilities, charm,
connections, money, fame, personality, speaking abilities. You simply said “GO!” I can trust you make up the parts I lack – because you promised me you would and in 2 Corinthians says “My grace (mercy, forgiveness, leniency, favor) is
sufficient (plenty, abundant) for you, for my POWER is made PERFECT in
weakness.” Therefore, I will boast
(brag, show off, talk big) all the more gladly of my weaknesses, so that the
power of CHRIST may rest upon me.”
Beloved ones you and I need to get a hold of this because once we do we are set free, and USED as a channel for HIS POWER for OTHERS! And as they get a hold of this. Beloved, we create disciples and how many more lives can 10, 100, 1,000 of us touch who have received this word?
I praise you my Savior & King.. there is none like you.
I am so thankful for my salvation and in awe of your love for me and your children.
With all my adoration AND ALL MY LOVE -Jaimee
(click to hear the song that inspired this writing)
The moon and stars they wept
The morning sun was dead
The Savior of the world was fallen
His body on the cross
His blood poured out for us
The weight of every curse upon Him
One final breath He gave
As heaven looked away
The Son of God was laid in darkness
A battle in the grave
The war on death was waged
The power of hell forever broken
The ground began to shake
The stone was rolled away
His perfect love could not be overcome
Now death where is your sting?
Our resurrected King has rendered you defeated
Forever He
is glorified
Forever He
is lifted high
Forever He
is risen
He is alive,
He is alive
We sing
We sing
We sing
The Lamb has